Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Faith Traditions

I've been in church for my whole life. My dad was a pastor when I was young and I've been serving various ministries forever. My faith is a very important part of my life. But as any faith should it challenges me on a regular basis. I made a decision in college that I wouldn't live my parent's religion or buy into anyone's specific tradition. I know that I am unique and therefore my faith traditions and needs will be unique.

I've been in a variety of different kinds of churches over the years and for the most part my non-denominational roots have been the most satisfying long term. But at some points in my life they have not been. Like now.

I'm reading a book called "Sacred Rhythms" which talks about the fact that as our lives have a rhythm, so must our spiritual practices. We must be willing to change our habits and disciplines as our lives change, constantly searching for the best ways to know and understand God.

One of the things that has always grown me the most is hearing other people's stories of faith. It awakens my heart to the many ways God works in the lives and souls of different kinds of people. I love that my God is big enough to be so personal.

So here's what I need from you, my reader. Please tell me your story. Email me or call me or ask me out for tea. I'd love to hear it. Really. I need to hear it. How did you decide on your faith tradition? How have you chosen the spiritual practices that are a part of your life?

Thank you to Dr. Talbert and Ryan D. for helping me take hold of this search. I appreciate your input.

1 comment:

prin said...

Well, mine's a little long to write out on a comment, but if you hit my profile and my blog (the furry dogma one), I've got a post at the beginning that explains how I got here...

I'm a newbie who believes God chose me. I believe that He allowed my heart to harden to the point where it would shatter and leave me devastated and crushed and suddenly bound forever to Him in an amazing way I'd never experienced or ever wished upon myself.

Why do you feel you need a denomination though? For me, thus far, it's been just Jesus and that's been hard enough...