Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Urbana 09

Urbana 09 has, thus far, been a unique experience. I was a delegate at Urbana 03, the last one in Champaign, IL. At this Urbana I am a steward working with the Intervarsity Press Accounting team. I basically have been sitting in a guarded room counting the money from the bookstore sales. I'm glad to have the opportunity to serve such an amazing convention, but somewhat sad to not have the experience I know the students are having.

Urbana is a life-changing week of challenging speakers and stretching seminars. The students (delegates) go to manuscripts studies in the morning, Bible exposition late morning, seminars early afternoon, and plenary sessions in the evenings. In the midst of all this they are in family groups to discuss their experiences and have conversations with peers and staff who care about their growth during the week. There are also hundreds of missionary organizations and schools with booths available to help the students explore the possibilities. Truly an amazing experience.

My wonderful friend, Brea, has accompanied me this week to work along side me counting money. I've learned that she has an awesome speed to count money. Apart from counting loads of cash, I've been blessed with the opportunity to meet the wonderful people of Avant Ministries, the mission organization through which Brea will be sent to Italy next summer. These people have a passion for God and short-cycle church planting around the world. They have been good counsel, hearty laughs and wonderful encouragement. They have also brought some very full stomachs. Sunday night we had an Afghan meal and tonight we had Mediterranean.

The Scripture focus for this week has been John 1-4 with the catch phrase coming from the first chapter, "The Word became flesh." They have talked about the ways that Jesus has moved into our neighborhoods and what it means for us to serve incarnationally. Monday morning we studied the story of Jesus meeting Nathanael and reminding him that He has known him before this time.

My faith has seemed very dry for the past few months. Even when I have attempted to meet with God I have felt that He has been purposefully silent. I have struggled with questions that have shaken my faith and have at times worried that my questions would effect my salvation. I have been reminded by wonderful friends that God is not intimidated by my fears and concerns and that He is present even through the droughts.

My prayer Monday night was that God would acknowledge and remind me that he has seen me and known me. I chose to sit under the "fig tree" by coming to Urbana and attempting to meet with God. God was gracious to answer my prayer. Through a variety of amazing conversations my passion has been restored. (More on this in the next post.) While my questions remain and my soul still feels dry, I know that God is present in my quest and has been near.

Thanks be to God.

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